Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March Reading Madness-Weekly Homeroom Averages

Each week the March Reading Madness Weekly Homeroom Averages will be posted on the spreadsheet below. The winning homeroom each week will win a prize! Keep logging those minutes!

Reading logs are due on Mondays with a parent signature!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Just for Fun: What Color is the Dress?

VH TODAY wants to know- what color is the dress?

We'll share Van Hoosen's results on VH Today on Wednesday!

Vote below:

The votes are in! Black and Blue was the most popular choice!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Maker Space Fun

During the past month, the VH Maker Space has been in full swing in the Media Center!

Thanks to grants from the Van Hoosen PTSA and the PTSA Council's STEAM grant, I was able to purchase some great materials to get our Maker Space started!

Our Maker Space consists of:

  • Makey Makey
  • Legos
  • Lego Boards
  • Cardboard Creation Materials
  • Origami Papers and Books
  • K'nex
  • Snap Circuits
  • Little Bits Circuit Kits
The Maker Space is open in the morning before school and during all open lunches. 

To see pictures and a video of our Maker Space, check out the  Media Center webpage

It has been so much fun to see all of the creations that kids have created and the awesome team work and innovative ideas when using the MakeyMakey and the circuits! If you haven't checked it out yet, make sure you do! It's a lot of creative fun!

If you have any items that you would like to donate to our Make Space, please let Mrs. Mele know. Donations of items like legos, K'nex, or other building materials are greatly appreciated.

Monday, October 27, 2014

We Are Off to a Great Start!

It's hard to believe it is almost November already!

The VH Media Center has been a busy place this fall! We've already had over 500 student visits during lunch time, over 2,000 library materials checked out, and hundreds of student visitors have been to the Media Center in the mornings before school. It is great to see that so many students have been making great use of the Media Center!

I've enjoyed getting the opportunity to meet our new 6th grade students and having great conversations about what it means to be a digital citizen during our two day lesson on digital citizenship. If you are interested in learning more about digital citizenship, Common Sense Media has great information! I've also had fun teaching different grades/classes about topics like research, plagiarism, how to find a good book, Google Apps, coding, how to create online presentations, and how to build a website. I look forward to spending time with even more classes in the upcoming months!

We also had our first book fair in October. It was a huge success! We were so lucky to have so many wonderful parent volunteers who came in and helped with set up, moving the fair, selling books, and tear down. The fair would not have been possible without these volunteers- so thank you, thank you, thank you! Our next fair will take place in March to wrap up our fun March is Reading Month events!

We have also have had great success running our live news broadcast show, VH Today, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. If you would like to check out our broadcasts at home, you can find them on the Van Hoosen website. Our 1st semester crew of 16 7th and 8th grade students are doing a great job writing and producing the news show! They put a lot of work into making sure that Van Hoosen stays up to date with the news!

There are also some exciting new developments that will be happening in the Media Center. I will be sharing more about that in the future!

I hope everyone has had a great start to the school year! Be sure to keep visiting the Media Center to check out books, research, work on homework, and explore!

Mrs. Mele

Sunday, August 24, 2014

2014-2015 School Year

Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year! 

I'm looking forward to seeing all of the visitors to the Media Center at 7:10 on the first day. It's always an active place! I hope that everyone has had a restful summer. This school year will be filled with many fun adventures. I hope that you continue to use the Media Center often this year as a place to find information, work with your peers, learn, explore, and have fun.

This year we have many fun and exciting things to look forward to in the Media Center! VH Today will be busy each morning preparing to bring you the news every day. There will be contests, prizes, and reading challenges throughout the year. Your teachers are able to check out the iPad cart to bring you lessons that are hands-on, interactive, and engaging. We have the Overdrive library available so you can check out books on your e-reader or computer, and there are Nooks that are also available for check out too! You can also start preparing for our great Author in April event by checking out books from this year's author, Nora Raleigh Baskin. As always, our Media Center books are continuously being updated, so keep an eye out for new books! If you ever have any book suggestions, come let me know or fill out the form on the right hand side of this page.

The Media Center is open every morning from 7:10-7:30 and most lunches. Check the door or circulation desk for the lunch schedule. If you would like to come in after you have eaten lunch to work on homework, read, or use a computer, just be sure to check out a lunch pass in the morning.

Please be sure to let me know if I can help you with anything. I hope you all have a great start to the school year!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Spring Book Fair!

Be sure to check out our Spring Book Fair at Barnes & Noble on Saturday, March 29!