Thanks to grants from the Van Hoosen PTSA and the PTSA Council's STEAM grant, I was able to purchase some great materials to get our Maker Space started!
Our Maker Space consists of:
- A Makey Makey
- Legos
- Lego Boards
- Cardboard Creation Materials
- Origami Papers and Books
- K'nex
- Snap Circuits
- Little Bits Circuit Kits
The Maker Space is open in the morning before school and during all open lunches.
To see pictures and a video of our Maker Space, check out the Media Center webpage.
It has been so much fun to see all of the creations that kids have created and the awesome team work and innovative ideas when using the MakeyMakey and the circuits! If you haven't checked it out yet, make sure you do! It's a lot of creative fun!
If you have any items that you would like to donate to our Make Space, please let Mrs. Mele know. Donations of items like legos, K'nex, or other building materials are greatly appreciated.
If you have any items that you would like to donate to our Make Space, please let Mrs. Mele know. Donations of items like legos, K'nex, or other building materials are greatly appreciated.